Saturday 24 October 2009

Alejandra and Freddy`s presentation!

To be honest, their presentation was one of the ones I liked most. I rally enjoyed the relation they made between the film and the real society.

They showed through the movie, the painful discrimination the main character experienced due to his malformation.

The way in which his is seen as a freaky person is a firece representation of human being`s cruelty.

My classmates used an appropiate Critical thinking when they compared our society, which not only discriminates when someone has a physical disease, but also when people dress differently from the common citizens on when people like someones fromt he same sex.

In my personal opinion it resukts pretty harmful for me to notice these kind of problem inside the society, As future teacher I belive we have to demonstarte pupils thta in spite of being different every human being has the opportunity to be acknowledged among others.

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