Tuesday 10 November 2009

Sound using lesson!

First of all, I have to say that the idea of using sound from the places where children are being taught, it is a very good idea which also helps them to learn more about their own culture.

Besides, as Gardner says, to use visual and auditory strategies are essentials tools when we are learning not only a second language, but also every kind of new content. It is a tested fact that humans become much more motivated and interested in things when they can actually observe stuff related with the issue they are learning or they can see that that issue is present in their ordinary lives.

For these reasons. I think that I would make classes where sounds and pictures were present. However, the first thing I would take in consideration before starting teaching by applying that mehtodology, would be the fact that not all my students are going to have the same skills developed, so I would have to start by givinh them easy sounds to recognize.

For example: if I wanted children to learn about animals I would pick some sounds animals made up and make children listen to the sounds and point the correct picture of the animal they are listening to.

Another good way to use sounds in a classroom is by making children listen to Chilean English speakers, in order to show them the accent we acquire as non native speakers. This would also help children to see thta in spite of the fact English is difficult all of them can learn it and getable to communicate succesfully.

Finally, I would definitely make children record their voices during all classes if it is possible, to let them identify how they have improved their languages and help them to eliminate their pronunciation and hesitations mistakes.

As it is a fact that we mantain ourselves concentrated the same minutes as the age we are (Ex: if a child is 8 years old, he would be concentrated no more than 8 minutes), I would make them tests with listening parts which take no longer than the time they can be focused on the topic.

These are, briefly, the ways in which I would use sounds in my claroom.


  1. I totally agree with you in term of showning or using different things to make the class more interesting. it is not just abotu saying the meaning and making students write sentences. In that way, How do we expect students to be the ones about wanting to learn another langage?
    that is our responsibility

    see you... xD

  2. To motivate students we need to use somenthing that caught their atention, sound are perfect for that!!!!
