Friday 14 August 2009

An important success in my life!!!

Hello everybody!

If Ihad to choose one personal success to talk about, I would definitely select when I was 5 and got lost with my friend Ludmila in Tigre, a part from Rio de La Plata

It was on December. The weather was extremely hot. For this reason Ludmila and I only wanted to swim in the river, but my mother didn´t let us to do it. She was visible angry at my behaviour during the lunchtime because I hadn´t eaten my sandwiches.

So, we made us wait until 4pm instead of 3pm. At the beggining, udmila and I were patient, but when se sw some other guys submerged happily in the quiet river, we decided to run away from my mother´s sight and go playing with the rest.

We ran like 200 meters and arrived to the bank of the river to have a race with the children there. The objective was to swim until the very end of the first part of the river. This was a long distance since the place where my family was having a nappy. But we accepted the rulers enthusiasticlly.

The race started and we swam as fast as we could, without taking care about we were suffering some inuries in our bodies because of the rocks from the river. But the play went bad because Ludmila almost got drowned and I lost our will to win when this happened. So, we left the rece and walked out of the river. However, after helping Ludmila to feel more relaxed and to stop sobbing, we paid a look at the place where we were, and sadly, we realized that we had gotten lost.

The first feeling for both of us, was to began crying desesperately. But wisely, we stood up and we started walking and looking for the right way. There was a momwnt where we considerated asking for help but no, We were brave.

After about an hour and a half of being looking for my family patiently,Ludmila and I found the way, where we should have stayed. When we got closer,I saw my mothr screaming desperately whereas my brother was asjingpeople if they had seen us.
I asked Ludmila not to talk about we had gotten lost. She agreed .

When finally, my mother saw us, she angrily told us where had we been. In a vey surprinsing voice,I told her that we had been swimming just in front of them all the time and that when we heat her screaming we decided to come back and see what was happening.
She was kind of angry the rest of the evening but at least she didn´t realized about our adventure .

Until these days Ludmila and I remember that experience as the first time we bravely resolved a problem by ourselves.


  1. What an adventure, dear Whateva!

    You know, to read this one made me recall the day we got locked in our ELAB, and you were about to freak out, hahaha!

    Nice to know that you still alive after this episode. Hugs, my friend!

  2. Hey Leo, you need to change the color of yor text, because I've got blind reading your post.
    I have to know Ludmila!!!!!
    See you always!
