Friday 21 August 2009

Success is a Continuous journey!

Hello Classmates and Hi Sabrina!

Having listened to Richard´s speech, a lot of ideas of why we fail in our Language learning process came up to my mind.

As he metioned in the video, we tend to believe that just by doing a big effort to achieve a goal, we become good enough. So, there is no need to keep on performing our skills or looking for new strategies to make the achievement even better.

Due to this fact of thinking we are completely "wise", we suddenly have to face a harder reaching (like doing an essay), and we fail it horribly. Consequently, we get furstrated, sad, unmotivated, and we find that the whole world is unfair, without realizing thta it was our own fault.

On the other hand, a very imortant issue Richard included in his speech, is that success is a "continuous journey", which takes a lot of time and must have feelings like, passion, work, focus, push, ideas, improve, serve and persist.

However, most students do not come up with all those feeling in their mind, and that is why the commit mistakes and start thinking that they are not going to be succesful ever.

A reason of why they have this lack of positive attitude could be because they belong to a low social class level, so they think that they cant not afford to a better life. Maybe, they are not supported by their family or they just have lost their sense of achievement due to a bad moment in their life.

And this is something that as future teachers, need to change in students´minds. We do have to switch their thinking and make them know that they can ba able to do everything they want, if they wok hardly every single day and put as energy as they can in their projects.

But first. we must modify our own feelings to help others. We have to get convinced that the only way to keep our will to win the goals is with continuous and very hard work.
PS: If you want to watch my video, please go to Vania`s blog.

1 comment:

  1. we hve to be really hard workers if we want to be teacher.....why don't you tell me that before?
